How 2 Be Atractive With Womens 11

Chapter 11: How To Get Women To Sleep With You
You have probably heard the saying "Mind over matter" – which means if you
believe you will succeed then you are more likely to succeed. So, you need
to think about what you want and how you are going to get it. Obviously,
you want to get an attractive woman into bed. To do this, you need to
figure out what a woman is looking for in a man before she’ll go to bed
with him. If you asked a woman what would get her into bed, she would deny
that such a thing, method, or technique existed. But as a man with the
knowledge, I’m here to share it! This chapter will reveal techniques for
getting a woman to sleep with you.
Throughout this entire book, and especially Chapter 3 What Women Want, you
have learned different ways to impress a woman. A woman who responds to
your flirting will likely respond to your sexual advances as well. Believe
it or not, women are looking for sex, too – you just need to let them play
the game with you. Let a woman think that she is leading the chase. Women
like control just as much as men do, so you have to go along with her. Let
her decide she wants to go to bed with you, and she will be more willing
to sleep with you. Give her what she wants, and she’ll return the favor.
Build Anticipation
It’s a well-known fact that women take longer to get "in the mood" than
men do. A stiff breeze will do it for a guy who is eager for action! But
women need more attention, more lead-time. You need to hint to her that
you are interested in taking your relationship to the next level, and let
her know you think she’s sexy and attractive. Show her lots of attention,
and be very touchy-feely with her. By giving a woman these reassurances
you make sure that she’s going to stick around and give you what you want
in return.
A great way to woo a woman, and to lead her to the bedroom, is to surprise
her with romance. This is especially effective if you don’t spoil her –
then she will appreciate it even more. When you surprise a woman with
romance, she feels flattered and appreciated. When a woman feels
appreciated she is more responsive to sexual advances.

Reassure Her
There are a few main fears that hold a woman back in a new relationship.
These fears are also a key for you to use to unlock a woman’s defensive
feelings. If you understand what these fears are, and you express your
knowledge of them to a woman, she will feel more secure being with you.
Read this section to gain an understanding into a woman’s hesitations to
going to bed with a man. You can alleviate her fear and anxiety and it
will make the transition into the bedroom more natural.
Ease a woman’s fears and you will
better your chances for success.
Am I sexy enough?
Am I good-looking enough?
Many women worry that they aren’t pretty enough, or sexy enough. This
low self-esteem issue is engrained into women from the day they are
born. Women are subjected to "perfect" models everyday in magazines,
advertisements, and TV. It’s no surprise many women have a complex. They
worry about their size, weight, shape, skin, imperfections, their
clothes, their hair, everything! As men, we don’t usually understand
that a woman needs reassurance to feel good about her self. To make her
feel more attractive around you, tell her what you love about her.
Compliment her on her eyes, her skin, her waist (granted she has a nice
one), her soft skin, or her hands or nails. You should avoid mentioning
her breasts, though, unless you absolutely love them. Women have a way
of taking any comment and turning into a negative one. Women are
especially paranoid about their breast size and shape when they are
getting undressed with a new guy. So, if you can’t say anything
genuinely nice, then don’t say anything.
Will he use protection?
This is a fear you should share, actually. There is always the risk of
pregnancy and STDs when you have sex with a woman. Use a condom. Every
In this day and age, there is the also the fear of the AIDS virus. It is
incurable right now. You don’t want to get infected with HIV just
because you refused to wear a condom. You should go out and buy new
condoms, even before the expiry date, to ensure freshness. Many women
will actually refuse to sleep with you if you don’t wear a condom. This
is not a rejection towards you; it is a rejection to her exposure to the
unknown. It is safe and good practice to always wear a condom. If the
woman you are with is easy to talk to, you should bring up the issue of
wearing a condom before the actual moment arises. This will not only put
her at ease, it will let her know it’s important to you. Her best
interests as well as yours are being protected.
Will he leave me?
Women get tied in emotionally when they enter the bedroom. Women tend to
worry more than men do about what will happen after sex. It is common for
a woman to think that a guy will use her and leave her. You need to
recognize that she might be feeling this way, so reassure her that you
aren’t going anywhere. Let her know she can count on you for support and
reassurance when she needs it. It is effective to talk about something in
the future that involves the two of you being together. Not marriage, of
course, but maybe a concert event, or plans for a few weeks away. Remind
her that you are there because you want to be, and that you like her
enough to spend your time with her.

Use Subliminal Messages
You want a woman to think about sex, especially when she is with you.
There is something to be said for subliminal messages. Plan your dialogue
to reflect your sexual desires. Use vocabulary that is associated with
feelings and sensations related to sex. For example, use words such as
‘hot’, ‘passionate’, or ‘delicious’ to describe a pasta dish or the colors
in her apartment. Use the word ‘climax’ when discussing a movie or music.
You can use the power of suggestion to create sexual feelings within a
woman’s subconscious. Try to use words that you know she will associate
with feelings of sexual desire.
By using sexual language you can put a woman into a receptive state of
mind, she will actually think of and visualize having sex with you. Be
careful not to be obvious or offensive when interjecting suggestive words
or phrases. If you are going to actually discuss sex, you should be sure
not to assume you’ll be having sex with this woman. Start off by talking
about something sexual you might come across - the hot, steamy scene in a
movie you are watching, or an article in a magazine you have read. Open up
her mind to the idea of sex. Using this technique effectively will work
magic the next time you are trying to persuade a woman into bed.

When and How to Kiss
Kissing is often under-rated by men. However, women consider kissing a key
factor to getting her into bed. Kissing a woman heightens her physical
response to smell, taste, and touch. When you kiss a woman you aren’t just
getting her to kiss you back, you are getting her physically ready to have
sex. This is especially true for women who have experienced great sex. Her
body knows what could be in store, and the sexual expectation makes her
want to sleep with you even more!
Knowing when to make your move is very important. You don’t want her to
reject you, and you don’t want to have an uncomfortable moment if you try
to kiss her lips and she turns her head. A really good indication that a
woman is ready to be kissed is if she looks right into your eyes, without
saying anything. She will look expectantly at you, and she’ll smile. If
she remains silent, and holds her gaze, then you know it’s time to plant
your lips on hers.
To start kissing a woman,
you simply have to initiate a kiss on her lips.
A woman’s response will create the natural interaction that makes kissing
so exciting. The first kiss might not be smooth and natural, but don’t let
it stop you from proceeding with your persuasion. Kiss her cheeks, her
neck, and her collarbone. Put your hand on her lower cheek and look into
her eyes. Kiss her softly at first, to build the sexual energy between
Excite her, and yourself,
with the anticipation of more.
When you are kissing a woman, be sure to match her style of kissing. You
don’t want to push your tongue down her throat if she is interlocking
lips. When your kisses start getting longer, then you can start French
kissing with small, short tongue movements into her mouth. Once she
follows your lead, and responds with tongue movements of her own, you can
get more passionate. The intensity of her kissing will also indicate her
interest in getting more physical than you are already. To keep the mood
romantic and sexual, be sure to keep your kisses slobber-free, and avoid
bad breath. Have a mint or gum after dinner if you need to.
By kissing a woman, you identify that you are in a relationship with her.
It tells her that you want to be with her, which gives her a sense of
security. This is an important step towards moving your relationship into
the bedroom. She will be more willing to become intimate with you if she
feels safe and secure with you.

Pick Up On Her Cues
With all this talk about ways for men to imply sexual desire, we should
mention that women often do the same.
Women use methods of suggestion that are different from ours, so men often
don’t pick up on them.
Women seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to sex. They know – they
can feel – when the time is right to take a relationship to the next
level. If you can pick up on her interest to go to bed with you then you
are more perceptive than most men. Often, men lose out on opportunities to
get laid because they don’t know when to make their move. You can look for
her signals as invitations to advance sexually. Observe how she acts
physically around you. The list below contains signals to help you
determine when the time is right.

If she sits, stands, and/or walks very near to you.
She wants to kiss you a lot.
She talks about sex – either in general, or specifically about having
sex with you.
She invites you into her apartment, or she invites herself into yours,
at the end of a date.
She sets the mood for sex – lighting, music, and candles.
She cuddles with you during a movie, or while hanging out on the couch.
She hints about being able to spend more time with you – maybe she has a
day off, or she looks forward to the weekend.
She kisses you deeply and passionately and doesn’t end the kissing.
These cues are all intended to let you know that she is ready to become
more intimate with you. Keep these things in mind when you go out with a
woman to see if you can pick up on her subtle communications. Once you can
read her signals, you will always know the right time to kiss her, to
undress her, and to take her to bed.

The Morning After
A woman will become more vulnerable once you have sex with her, so it is
important for you to show her respect. When women go to bed, they take
their emotions with them. Be sure to reassure her emotionally. Tell her
you had a really good time with her, and that you can’t wait for the next
sleepover. Offer her breakfast, or if you have no other obligations,
suggest you spend the morning (and afternoon?) in bed. This will give the
woman you are with confidence that you want to keep seeing her. She will
know that you aren’t going anywhere. By offering reassurance, you show her
that this relationship means something to you, and she knows it is heading
in the right direction.
Authors Final Word